Site announcements

Fall 2023 Semester is Open to registration

by eHope HCS -

Since today, Fall 2023 has been open to registration. Please register the classes by yourself.  Except that Tennis class will be onsite, all the rest are still be providing with online ZOOM sessions. 

We are proud to announce that since Fall 2023, all teacher materials will be hosted and provided through this site. We will provide the training session in August for all the parents.

Registration Link:

Classes List:

School Calendar:

First school day will be Sept. 9 2023, while last class day will be Dec. 16 2023

Last school day to register and pay the class: Aug. 31 2023.

Last class day to drop the class with a refund: Sept. 16 2023

Notice that there is no free trial class any more. All tried classes will be charged at $12/ per 50-min session. The registration fee $25 per student is non refundable. 

There exist two payment methods:

  • Electronic Payment (preferred): Zelle to with your family ID
  • Check (non-preferred): Pay check to Hope Chinese School, put your family ID on the check and then mailing to: 8701 Chapel Dr, Annandale, VA 22003

Available courses

Advance Chinese Classes (MLP 8 or above) - Summer 2023


Class Time:



Course Description

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Demo Class - Summer 2023

[Class Name][Semester Format]

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Every Sunday 4:00PM - 5:50PM, (June 18, 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug 6, 13)

Pre-requirements: Have basic Chinese reading and writing skills and finish two years of Chinese classes.

Textbook: MLP summer homework 

Course Description<Insert description from Course Listings, or an expanded version. Along with the topic of your course, the description may also include information about what type of course it is (e.g. lab, studio, discussion- based seminar, writing-intensive, multidisciplinary, etc.) as well as particular pedagogical strategies required (group work, fieldwork, etc.).  >

Course GoalsStudents who complete this course successfully will be able to: <Consider listing 4-6 “big picture,” student-centered course goals or learning objectives– What should your students learn or be able to do as a result of participating successfully in your course? Some instructors prefer to list course goals elsewhere, such as on Blackboard or in another document.>

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

  • Week 1  - Topic one 
  • Week 2 - Topic two
  • Week 3 - Topic three
  • ....
  • Week 8 - Topic eight

Pre-K Ma's Textbook and Pingyin - Summer 2023

Classroom:  在线上课,Zoom online

Class Time:  6/18/2023 to 8/6/2023 Every Sunday 9:30am to 1:20am

Pre-requirements: Ages 5 years+ 岁以上 Students should be speak basic Chinese.  说简单的中文

Textbook马力平 学前班

Course Description

For the Preschool class’s educational curriculum, the instructor wants to achieve three goals: lay the foundation, foster interest, and build self-confidence in learning Chinese. In order to achieve these goals, the most important thing I can do as an instructor is to encourage the students to speak every single week. I say this without hesitation as it is not something difficult to do. The first thing we will focus on every week when starting class is speaking. What will we talk about? What is your name? How old are you? What are you going to perform today? In order to help improve the student’s comprehension of Chinese language, outside of the rhymes and vocabulary in the textbook, we will also utilize Chinese short stories and pictures. Every week at most we will only learn one character so that students can focus on developing good habits in writing Chinese characters and thus paving the way for learning in the future.

对于学前班的教学,老师要达成三个目标: 打下学中文的基础,培养学中文的兴趣,树立学中文的自信心。 实现这三个目标,老师要做的最基本最重要的一件事就是每周都要让孩子们开口说 话。说起来容易,做起来也不难。每周上课的第一件事就是说话。说什么呢?你叫什么名字? 你几岁了? 你今天要表演什么节目? 为帮助孩子增加中文语感,除了课文上的儿歌和语汇外,我们还有额外的故事和看图 说话。我们一个星期最多只学写一个字,孩子们在没有压力的情 况下,养成正确的汉字笔划书写习惯,为以后的学习铺路

Schedules of Teaching Topics 






Lesson One



Lesson Two



Lesson Three



Lesson Four



Lesson Fife



Lesson Six



Lesson Seven



Lesson Eight



Lesson Nine











Grade 1 Ma‘ Textbook - Summer 2023

Classroom: 在线上课,Zoom online

Class Time: Every Saturday 13:30-15:20pm


Textbook: 马立平一年级课本,暑期作业


Course Description:




Schedules of Teaching Topics 

week1:  第一周 第一天至第四天

week2:  第二周 第一天至第四天

week3:  第三周 第一天至第四天

week4:  第四周 第一天至第四天

week5:  第 五周 第一天至第四天

week6:  第六 周 第一天至第四天

week7:  第七 周 第一天至第四天

week8:  第八 周 第一天至第四天

Grade 2 Ma‘ Textbook - Summer 2023


在线上课,Zoom online

Class Time:

每星期六早上 9:00 am - 10:50 am,06/17/23 第一次课

Every Saturday morning at 9:00 - 10:50, starting from 06/17/23



Have completed Ma Liping Grade 2 class or similar level



马力平二年级暑假作业 (绿色练习本)


Ma Liping Grade 2 textbook and summer book (green color exercise book).

Course Description:

温故知新,进一步理解并巩固所学知识。 培养中文语感, 加强书写练习。

学习/复习汉语拼音,为马力平三年级学习打基础。 马力平三年级开始学拼音。
Review and excel current Chinese language.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

1.       每星期做马立平暑假作业本上的每周四天的作业。每天作业包括抄写复习内容,朗读, 和网上作业。

 Study Ma Liping's summer class assignments with teacher's supplements.

2.       每星期学汉语拼音和做练习
Study and review the Chinese Pinying skills.
















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Grade 3 Ma's Textbook - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Online

Class Time: 3 pm-5 pm, every Sunday (6/19-8/13)

Pre-requirements:  Completed Grade 3 MaLiPing

Textbook: Grade 3 MaLiPing Textbook and Summer Homework

Course Description

The textbooks for Maliping's third grade are designed to allow students to recognize words and develop a sense of language, which is the focus of the textbooks.
The setting of the summer vacation course is to revisit the content and knowledge points learned in class after completing the Chinese learning on the weekends of this semester.
In the form of riddles and poems, combined with reading and dictation, students can experience the fun of learning Chinese.
The summer courses strengthen the cultivation of language sense. Try to speak Chinese as much as possible.
Create a Chinese learning environment, and learn Chinese characters, meanings, sounds, and grammar, laying a good foundation for children in the fourth grade.

edules of Teaching Topics 

Week 1, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice on Summer Homework, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《曹冲称象》和《锯是怎样发明的》on Textbook

Week 2,  Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice on Summer Homework, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts  狐假虎威》和《小马过河》on Textbook

Week 3, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《公鸡蛋》和 《穷和尚和富和尚》on Textbook

Week 4, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《穷和尚和富和尚》和 《要是你在野外迷了路》on Textbook

Week 5, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《找骆驼》和《岳飞学写字》on Textbook

Week 6, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《光阴一去不复返》和 《爸爸的老师》on Textbook

Week 7, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《爸爸的老师》和 《等一会儿再说》on Textbook

Week 8, Complete 4 days of homework, in-class reading practice, and review the words, vocabulary, and grammar of the two texts 《让我们荡起双桨》和 《愚公移山》on Textbook

Grade 4 Ma's Textbook - Summer 2023

Classroom:  在线 Zoom Online

Class Time: 每周星期一晚上19:00到21:00(暂定这时间,会征求家长建议)                     

Pre-requirements: 要求完成马立平四年级的课程

Textbook: 马立平四年级课本(包括蓝黄练习本)以及绿色暑假本。

Course Description


       由于海外周末中文教学时间非常有限,本套教材的进度安排十分紧凑,皆在温故而知新的暑假作业,能帮助学生进一步理解并巩固所学的知识,是学有所成的必要环节。同时也新教授成语故事的内容,让学生们懂得每个成语故事最终告诉了我们什么道理,寓言是文学作品的一 种体裁,常带有讽刺或劝诫的性质,用假托的故事或拟人手法说明某个道理或教训,使学生从中受到教育。



1.  第一周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《狐假虎威》《守株待兔》《半途而废》《画蛇添足》。

2.  第二周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《画龙点睛》《雪中送炭》《鱼目混珠》《专心致志》。

3. 第三周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《望洋兴叹》 《粗心大意》《井底之蛙》 《狐狸和葡萄》。《井底之蛙》 《狐狸和葡萄》。

4. 第四周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《四猴过海》 《拔苗助长》 《叶公好龙》 《猴子打水》。

5. 第五周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《龟兔赛跑》 《两只羊过桥》《狐狸和仙鹤》 《渔夫和金鱼》。

6.  第六周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《狐狸和乌鸦》 《精卫填海》《牛 郎织女》和《两个傻和尚》的小故事。

7. 第七周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学成语故事《狼和小羊》 《愚公移山》 《农夫得利》 《盘古开天地》。

8. 第八周:完成四天的作业,包括成语故事的判断题,教学小故事《猴子捞月亮》《猴子摘玉米》《国王和磨坊主》《小花猫的铃铛》。

Grade 5 Ma's Textbook - Falls 2023

Classroom:  在线 Zoom Online

Class Time: 每星期日下午13:30到15:50

Pre-requirements: 马立平五年级课程

Textbook: 马立平五年级课本(包括蓝黄练习本)以及绿色暑假本。

Course Description: 


Grade 6 Ma's Textbook - Summer 2023

Classroom:  在线Zoom Online

Class Time :暂定每星期天晚上到19:00到21:00(会征求家长建议)


Textbook: 马立平六年级课本(包括蓝黄练习本)以及绿色暑假本

Course Description





         “加强书写练习,培养中文语感是暑假作业的主要内容。为此我们布置了课文抄写和朗读,录音的作业,并精心准备了听力资料,假期主要教授《水浒》这部书 的内容,它是中国有名的四大名著之一。说的就是八九百年前梁山好汉的故事。共有8回,每周上一回,一周4天作业,既培养了学生中文基本书面表达的信心也培养了学生的阅读能力。



第二周:1. 遇救野猪林2.棒打洪教头,3.火烧草料场,4雪夜上梁山。

第三周:1. 京城里杨志卖刀,2.大名府好汉比武,3.晁盖救刘唐,4.智取生辰纲。

第四回:1. 计夺二龙山,2.水战石碣村,3.林冲梁山拼王伦,4.宋江怒杀阎婆惜。

第五周:1. 景阳冈武松打虎,2.武都头为兄报仇,3.醉打蒋门神,4.血溅鸳鸯楼。

第六周:1. 张顺水中斗李逵,2.梁山好汉闹江州,3.真假李逵,4.解珍解宝.

第七周:1. 三打祝家庄(上),2.三打祝家庄(下),3.李逵井下救柴进,4.三山好汉归梁山。

第八周:1. 巧取华州救史进,2.梁山英雄排座次。


Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Grade 7 Ma's Textbook - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Zoom Online

Class Time: Every Sunday 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Pre-requirements: 马立平七年级



马力平七年级暑假作业 (绿色练习本)


Course Description


Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Week 1: 第一周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 2: 第二周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 3:第三周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 4:第四周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 5:第五周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 6:第六周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 7:第七周第一天至第四天作业内容

Week 8:第八周第一天至第四天作业内容

Chinese Culture Tour 中华大地行-文化之旅- Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom

Class Time: Thursdays (6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10), 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Pre-requirements: 2nd - 5th graders (in Chinese school). There is a $5 material fee included in the tuition for making the handcrafts in every class. 

Textbook: none. The class slides will be available as images after the classes. In addition, the craft materials will be distributed to the students in advance. 

Course Description




Chinese Cultural Journey is a discussion class integrating Chinese geography, history and culture. For each topic, we focus on exploring a famous Chinese city or place. The course content covers historical sites, ancient cultural legends, local customs and authentic Chinese cuisine, etc. The students will participate in activities such as making crafts, watching videos, joining group discussion, and taking contests. In addition, for each topic, a presentation template and exploration points are provided, so that the students have sufficient opportunities and topics for practicing Chinese writing and making knowledge presentation. I hope to give the students an in-depth experience of Chinese culture through rich and attractive content and joyful and fun learning.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Week 1: 北京

Week 2: 西安

Week 3: 洛阳

Week 4: 南京

Week 5: 杭州

Week 6: 广州

Week 7: 成都

Week 8: 西藏+敦煌

Chinese Poetry Appreciation + Chinese Idiom Story Teaching - Summer 2023


Classroom:  Zoom Online

Class Time: Every Monday and Friday 9:00 AM- 10:50 AM


- The course is open to students in grades 2nd-6th who are interested in traditional Chinese culture.

- Students are recommended to have a fundamental knowledge of Chinese mandarin, including familiarity with Hanyu Pinyin (Chinese phonetic alphabet) and basic vocabulary.

- 本课程对2-6所有年级的并且对中国传统文化感兴趣的学生开放。

- 我们建议学生对中文有基本的知识储备,包括熟悉拼音和词汇。

Textbook: N/A(所有的材料老师会在每节课前/后更新)

Course Description


The course is divided into three parts.

The first part involves helping students learn the pronunciation of Chinese characters using Pinyin, which allows them to read and write the language more easily. It is crucial for students to learn how to read, write, and pronounce Chinese characters accurately.

The second part of the course focuses on Chinese poetry appreciation. Students will be introduced to the rich history of Chinese poetry and the cultural and historical context behind Chinese poetry and its influence on Chinese society and culture.

The third part of the course focuses on teaching Chinese idioms through storytelling. Students will learn about Chinese idioms, their meanings, and their origins. The course also guides students to integrate experiences from Chinese idiom stories with their personal experiences to help them reflect on and summarize what they have learned.

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to read and analyze Chinese poems and idioms and develop their language proficiency. By the end of the course, students will have a deep understanding of Chinese traditional culture and values.

课程的第一部分将涉及帮助学生使用拼音学习汉字的发音,使他们能够更轻松地读写汉字。 学生学习如何准确地读、写和发音汉字是至关重要的。

课程的第二部分侧重于中国诗歌欣赏。 将向学生介绍中国诗歌背后的文化和历史背景及其对中国社会和文化的影响。

课程的第三部分侧重于通过讲故事来教授汉语成语。 学生将学习中国成语、它们的含义和它们的起源。 该课程还引导学生将汉语成语故事中的经验与个人经历相结合,帮助学生反思和总结所学知识。

在整个课程中,学生将有机会阅读和分析中国诗歌和成语并提高他们的语言能力。 到课程结束时,学生将对中国的传统文化和价值观有深刻的理解。

Course objectives

1. 通过情景教学培养学生中文学习兴趣。

 2. 通过学习成语和古诗词帮助学生了解和学习中国的传统文化和价值观。

3. 提升学生的阅读和识字能力, 拓展中文词汇量。

4. 熟练和系统性掌握汉语拼音。

1. Develop students' interest in learning Chinese and improve their language skills through scenario-based teaching.

2. Help students understand and learn Chinese traditional culture and values through learning Chinese idioms and poems.

3. Improve students' reading and literacy skills (expand their Chinese vocabulary).

4. Proficiency and systematic mastery of Hanyu Pinyin (Chinese phonetic alphabet).

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

-Week 1 

  • Class 1 - Chinese Pinyin
  • Class 2 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation + Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 2

  • Class 1 - Chinese Pinyin
  • Class 2 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation + Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 3

  • Class 1 - Chinese Pinyin
  • Class 2 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation + Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 4

  • Class 1 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation
  • Class 2 - Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 5

  • Class 1 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation
  • Class 2 - Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 6

  • Class 1 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation
  • Class 2 - Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 7

  • Class 1 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation
  • Class 2 - Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

-Week 8

  • Class 1 - Chinese Poetry Appreciation
  • Class 2 - Chinese Idiom Story Teaching

We look forward to learning and exploring the Chinese language and culture with our students! Hope to see you all in our class!

Poetry & Chinese Idiom - Summer 2023


Classroom:  Zoom Online

Class Time: Every Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Pre-requirements: N/A

Textbook: N/A

Course Description

2023 暑期 古诗 成语故事课


1. 有感情地朗读古诗,背诵古诗。

2. 讲解诗意,激发和培养学习古诗的兴趣与热情。



知诗人 解诗题 明诗意 悟诗情



Schedules of Teaching Topics 

























Classroom:  网课  zoom online 

Class Time: 每周1到周5 ,早上9点半到11点半 从7月31号开始到8月11号结束共2周10次课每次2小时,中间休息10分钟 。 (Every day from Monday to  Friday   9:30AM- 11:30AM  , (Start July 31 to Aug11  )

 Pre-requirements: Have basic Chinese language skills 。有简单的听说能力5-10 岁。


  Teacher: xinchun song  

Classroom:  网课  zoom online 

Class Time: 每周1,3,5  ,早上9点半到11点半从6月19 开始到7 月21 结束 但 7 月 3,5,7 号无课 共4 周12次课每次2小时,中间休息10分钟。  (Every Monday,Wedseay and Friday   9:30AM- 11:30AM  , (Start June 19 to July ,21, but no class on July 3,5,7  )

Pre-requirements: 完成暨大2 年级的大部分课程( finished most Grade 2  ji da textbook )

Textbook: 暨大2 年级 A,B 作业册 ( ji da Grade 2  workbook )

Course Description: 学习并尽可能多的完成暨大2 年级A,B 作业册上的全部作业 study  and complete most of A and B  workbook  from Ji Dd Grade 2   ) 

 Week 1  -  workbook for lesson 1,2,3 

Week 2 -  workbook for lesson  4,5,6 

Week 3 -  workbook for lesson 7, 8, 9 

Week 4  -  workbook for lesson 10,11,12 

Teacher: xinchun song  



Classroom:  网课  zoom online 

Class Time: 每周1,3,5  ,早上11点半到1点半从6月19 开始到7 月21号 结束 但 7 月 3,5,7 号无课 共4 周12次课每次2小时,中间休息10分钟。  (Every Monday,Wedseay and Friday   11:30AM- 1:30PM  , (Start June 19, to July ,21, but no class on July 3,5,7  )

Pre-requirements: 完成暨大3 年级的大部分课程( finished most Grade 3  ji da textbook )

Textbook: 暨大3 年级 A,B 作业册 ( ji da Grade 3  workbook )

Course Description: 学习并尽可能的完成暨大3 年级A,B 作业册上的全部作业 study  and complete most of A and B  workbook  from Ji Dd Grade 3   ) 

 Week 1  -  workbook for lesson 1,2,3 

Week 2 -  workbook for lesson  4,5,6 

Week 3 -  workbook for lesson 7, 8, 9 

Week 4  -  workbook for lesson 10,11,12 

Teacher: xinchun song  

Classroom:  网课  zoom online 

Class Time: 每周1,3,5  ,下午2点半到4点半 从6月19 开始到7 月21 结束 但 7 月 3,5,7 号无课 共4 周12次课每次2小时,中间休息10分钟  (Every Monday,Wedseay and Friday   2:30PM- 4:30PM  , (Start June 19 to July ,21, but no class on July 3,5,7  )

Pre-requirements: 完成暨大4 年级的大部分课程( finished most Grade 4  ji da textbook )

Textbook: 暨大4 年级 A,B 作业册 ( ji da Grade 4  workbook )

Course Description: 学习并尽可能的多完成暨大4 年级A,B 作业册上的全部作业 study  and complete most of A and B  workbook  from Ji Dd Grade 4   ) 

 Week 1  -  workbook for lesson 1,2,3 

Week 2 -  workbook for lesson  4,5,6 

Week 3 -  workbook for lesson 7, 8, 9 

Week 4  -  workbook for lesson 10,11,12 

Teacher: xinchun song  


Classroom:   zoom online  网课

Class Time: Every  Sunday  9:30AM-11:20AM  , (Start September10 , to December 10    but no class on November 26 ) 每周日早上9点半到11点20  从9月10号开始到12月10 号结束, 但 11月26 号无课, 每次课2小时,中间休息10分钟)

Pre-requirements: complete most of Ji Da Grade 1 text book 完成暨大1 年级 的大部分课程。

 Textbook: ji da Grade 2 workbook ( 暨大2  年级 A,B 作业册)

Course Description:  Study and  complete most of  text book from Ji Dd Grade 2 )学习并尽可能多的完成暨大2 年级的全部课程

Teacher : xinchun song  


Classroom:   zoom online  网课

Class Time: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday   11:30AM-1:30AM  , (Start June 20 to July 29, but no class on July 4,6,8)   每周2,4,6 ,早上11点半到1点半 从6月20号开始到7月29号结束, 但 7月4,6,8 号无课 共5周,14次课,每次课2小时,中间休息10分钟))

Pre-requirements: complete most of Ji Da Grade 2 text book 完成暨大2 年级 的大部分课程。

 Textbook: ji da Grade 2 workbook ( 暨大2 年级 A,B 作业册)
Course Description:  Study and  complete most of  workbook from Ji Dd Grade 2  workbook )学习并尽可能多完成暨大2年级A,B 作业册上的全部作业



Classroom:   zoom online  网课

Class Time: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday   2:30PM-4:30PM  , (Start June 20 , to  July  29, but no class on  July 4,6,8)   ) 每周2,4,6 , 下午2点半到4点半 从6月20号开始到7月29号结束, 但 7月4,6,8 号无课共5周,14次课,每次课2小时,中间休息10分钟))

Pre-requirements: complete most of Ji Da Grade 1 text book 完成暨大3 年级 的大部分课程。

 Textbook: ji da Grade 3  workbook ( 暨大3  年级 A,B 作业册)

Course Description:  Study and  complete most of  workbook from Ji Dd Grade 3  workbook )学习并尽可能多的完成暨大3  年级A,B 作业册上的全部作业

Teacher : xinchun song ( 宋新春

American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8/10 - Fall 2023

Classroom:  Zoom online

Class Time: 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM, Every Sunday


Students should:

  • Be willing to learn
  • Have experience with arithmetic, solving basic one variable linear equations, and basic aspects of geometry.
  • Be responsible, do the assigned homework, and ask questions.

Textbook: N/A, teacher will distribute handouts

Course Description

Teach students important problem-solving strategies for the AMC 8/10 competitions.

Help students develop their problem-solving skills and ability to tackle challenging AMC 8/10 problems.

Help students develop a passion for math competitions.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Possible lecture topics:

Polynomials and functions.

Recurrence Relationships.

Vieta’s Formulas.

Pythagorean Theorem and similar triangles.

Coordinate Geometry.

Properties of circles.

Counting/probability techniques.

Principle of inclusion-exclusion (PIE).

Basic Recursion.

Conditional Probability.

Combinatorial Identities.

Finding units digits.

Working in different bases.

Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Grade 1 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Online on Zoom (link will be sent closer to the first day of class) 

Class Time

Pre-requirements: None 


Course Description

Schedules of Teaching Topics (Keep in mind this schedule is flexible and may change) 

Grade 2 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Online on Zoom (link will be sent closer to the first day of class) 

Class Time

Pre-requirements: None 


Course Description

Schedules of Teaching Topics (Keep in mind this schedule is flexible and may change) 

Grade 3 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Online on Zoom (link will be sent closer to the first day of class) 

Class Time

Pre-requirements: None 

Textbook: We will use the "Singapore Third Grade Math 3A & 3B" textbook and workbook. An online PDF file will be provided on the first day of class. 

Course Description: Students will learn the basic skills of Third Grade math and collaborate with classmates in entertaining class activities and practices. Students can also expect around 5-7 pages of homework a week. This course works best for those who are not familiar with the topics or are ready for third-grade math. Feel free to ask questions! 

Schedules of Teaching Topics (Keep in mind this schedule is flexible and may change) 

Week 1: Class introduction and number lesson 

Week 2: Addition 

Week 3: Subtraction 

Week 4: Multiplication 

Week 5: Division 

Week 6: Word Problems 

Week 7: Money 

Week 8: Graphs 

Grade 4 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom

Class Time: Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:00  

                   June 20th through August 8th

                    Class on July 4th is rescheduled on July 6th 18:00 - 18::50 pm

                    8 classes in total.                    


Students should

   1) have finished 4th grade Singapore Primary  Mathematics  curriculum/identical 

      math level.

   2) understand the meaning of fractions and decimals.

   3) understand perimeter and area.

   4) independently perform 4 operations of whole number and decimals, as

       well as addition/subtraction of fractions.  

Textbook: 101 Must-Know Challenging Maths Word Problems Book 4, 

            electronic version will be emailed to parents before each class .

Course Description

(1) Improve students’ ability in word problem-solving and logic-thinking skills. .     

(2) Learn how to abstract the core information by drawing the model. 

(3) Reinforce operational skills on whole number, fractions and decimals.

(4) Encourage students share their thoughts.

(5) The students are required to preview material (average 12 problems) before each class.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

        Weeks 1: Word problems on four operations of whole number (11 Qs).

        Weeks 2: Word problems related to perimeter and area (10 Qs).

        Weeks 3-6: Word problems related to fractions (58 Qs).

        Weeks 7-8: Word problems related to decimals and money (22 Qs).

Grade 5 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Zoom

Class Time

                   Thursdays 19:00 - 20:00  

                   June 22th through August 10th

                   8 classes in total.   


Students should

   1) have finished 5th grade Singapore Primary Mathematics curriculum/identical 

       math level.

   2) understand the meaning of fractions, ratio, percent and rate.

   3) understand perimeter and area, including rectangle, square, and triangle.

   4) independently perform 4 operations of whole number, decimals, and  


   5) Know the conversion of the time, length, volume, weight et al.    


            101 Must-Know Challenging Math Word Problems Book 5, 

             Electronic version will be emailed to parents before each class .

Course Description

(1) Improve students’ ability in word problem-solving and logic-thinking skills. .     

(2) Learn how to abstract the core information by drawing the model, given 

     fraction, ratio, rate, and percent. 

(3) Reinforce operational skills on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent, 

      ratio and rate.

(4) Get more comfortable to solve the geometric word problems, with focus on 

     rectangle, square and triangle. 

(4) Encourage students share their thoughts.

(5) The students are required to preview material before each class.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

   Weeks 1: Word problems on four operations of whole number (15 Qs).

   Weeks 2: Word problems related to fractions-1 (15 Qs).

   Weeks 3: Word problems related to fractions -2 and decimals (15 Qs).

   Weeks 4: Word problems related to percent-1  (13 Qs).

   Weeks 5: Word problems related to percent-2 and ratio-1 (13 Qs).

   Weeks 6: Word problems related to ratio-2 (14 Qs).

   Week 7: Word problems related to perimeter/area (8 Qs).

   Weeks 8: Word problems related to volume (8 Qs)

Grade 6 Math - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Every Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-7:30pm (could be flexible to be subject to adjustment)


Textbook: (not required)

Singapore Primary Mathematics 6A&6B; 

Challenging Maths Word Problems Book 6

Course Description

The Summer course will incorporate the challenging word problems accordingly with the topics covered in the Singapore mathematics syllabus. The course will focus on:

  • To refresh and consolidate the mathematics knowledge or concepts which covered in the topics in the Singapore mathematics syllabus
  • To expose students to challenging word problems, and help students overcome the “fear” of word problems which typically appear in standard tests and examinations
  • To train students to adopt logical and critical thinking, including diagrams and mathematical models, and help to develop various thinking skills and heuristics
  • To help students achieve desirable results by analyzing a problem before formulating a workable solution and then presenting it in clear, concise steps

Schedules of Teaching Topics 



Lesson / Topic

Objective & Focus Points


Week 1

Exponent and word problems

Basic concepts and terms; exponent rules for adding, multiplying, dividing, and exponent word problems.


Week 2


Fraction, Ratio and Proportion

Review the operation and conversion rules; focus on the logistics and strategies for word problems


Week 3


Percentage, percentage change problems

Review the conversion among fraction, decimal, ratio and percentage; focus on the word problems and percentage change word problems


Week 4

Compound figure Perimeter and Area

How to find the perimeter and area of compound figures (rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids & circles)


Week 5


Solid figure Surface Area and Volume

Basic concept of solid figure; how to find surface area or volume of solid figure and the application/word problems


Week 6


Displacement Volume and flow rate

Find the volume of a solid figure using displacement of water; word problems on volume and water flow rate


Week 7



Angle properties of lines, triangles, parallel lines and quadrilaterals; how to find the missing angles using these properties


Week 8


Challenging word problems

Logic reasoning and strategies for challenging word problems.

Pre-Alegbra - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Online on Zoom (link will be sent closer to the first day of class) 

Class Time

Pre-requirements: None 


Course Description

Schedules of Teaching Topics (Keep in mind this schedule is flexible and may change) 

American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 8/10 - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Zoom online

Class Time: 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM, Every Sunday


Students should:

  • Be willing to learn
  • Have experience with arithmetic, solving basic one variable linear equations, and basic aspects of geometry.
  • Be responsible, do the assigned homework, and ask questions.

Textbook: N/A, teacher will distribute handouts

Course Description

Teach students important problem-solving strategies for the AMC 8/10 competitions.

Help students develop their problem-solving skills and ability to tackle challenging AMC 8/10 problems.

Help students develop a passion for math competitions.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Possible lecture topics:

Polynomials and functions.

Recurrence Relationships.

Vieta’s Formulas.

Pythagorean Theorem and similar triangles.

Coordinate Geometry.

Properties of circles.

Counting/probability techniques.

Principle of inclusion-exclusion (PIE).

Basic Recursion.

Conditional Probability.

Combinatorial Identities.

Finding units digits.

Working in different bases.

Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Algrebra 1 (AoPS) - 2024 Summer

Classroom:  zoom

Class Time: Wednesday & Saturday 6:00-6:50 PM

Pre-requirementsFor seven graders or above, or advanced six graders with basic foundations in Algebra. Students should have passed the course of Pre-Algebra, and be proficient in fundamentals of Arithmetic, such as integers, decimals and fractions, primes and composites, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.

Textbook (not mandatory)

Introduction to Algebra, 2nd Edition, by Richard Rusczyk, the Art of Problem Solving series.

Course Description

  • Introduction to fundamentals of Algebra, including expanded concepts of numbers and order of operations, such as rational number, exponent and radical numbers; and new concepts and rules of variable, algebraic expression, ratio, rate, percent, proportion, quadratic and polynomial, fundamental of linear and quadratic function, and more;

  • New math skills of simplifying expressions, factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities algebraically or by graphing, graphing lines, inequalities, quadratics and systems, and solving word problems with Algebra.

Algebra 2 (AoPS) - Summer 2024

Classroom: zoom


Meeting ID: TBD

Passcode: ehope

Class Time: Wednesday & Saturday 8:00-8:50 PM


This class is typically for nineth graders or above, or advanced eighth graders with solid foundations in Algebra. Students should have completed the course of Algebra I, and preferably have completed the course of Geometry. Students must be proficient in fundamentals of Algebra, such as basic concepts and problem solving skills in the topics of basic rules of exponents and radicals, ratio, rate, percent, quadratic factorization, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations, complex numbers, solving and graphing linear inequalities, fundamentals of linear, quadratic and rational functions, operation of functions, inverse functions, polynomial arithmetic, etc.

Textbook (not mandatory)

Intermediate Algebra, 2nd Edition, by Richard Rusczyk, the Art of Problem Solving series.

Course Description

  • Topics covered in this course include a quick review of basic algebra topics, followed by mid to advance topics of complex numbers, quadratics and conic sections, analytic geometry, polynomials, multivariable expressions, sequences and series, identities, inequalities, exponents and logarithms, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, piecewise-defined functions, functional equations, and much more; 
  • The course is structured to inspire the students to explore and develop new ideas. Each class starts with brief introduction of core concepts and examples, followed by challenging practice problems, so the students have a chance to solve them under the guidance of the teacher. Step by step solutions to these practice problems are explained in detail, through which new techniques are taught. Important facts and powerful problem solving approaches are highlighted throughout the course. Homework and exams (if needed) are used to evaluate the level of mastering.

Geometry (AoPS) - Summer 2024

Classroom: zoom

Class Time: Saturday & Wednesday 7:00-7:50 PM, twice per week


For eight graders or above, or advanced seven graders who have mastered basic Algebra. Students should have passed the course of Algebra a, and be familiar with fundamental concepts of Algebra, such as binomials, quadratics, polynomials, radicals, exponents, rational, linear equation, system of equations,

inequalities, numbered line, Cartesian plane, etc., and be familiar with basic skills for solving problems with Algebra, such as distribution, factoring, substitution, simplification, graphing lines and quadratics, etc.

Textbook (not mandatory)

Introduction to Geometry, 2nd Edition, by Richard Rusczyk, the Art of Problem Solving series.

Course Description

  • Systematic introduction to geometry, including basic to advanced topics such as points, angels, lines, planes, area, perimeter, similar triangles, congruent triangles, right triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, power of a point, three-dimensional geometry, transformations, introductory trigonometry, laws of logic, and more; 
  • The course is focused on introduction of fundamental vocabularies, concepts and axioms of geometry, as well as problem solving strategies and techniques, to inspire the students to explore and develop new ideas. Early on in getting the feel and mindset for the proof based approach of geometry paves the way as the students work their way through the journey of math learning.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Syllabus (2024 Summer) Course: Introduction to Geometry (AoPS)
WeekSatSunWedClass Schedule
Part 1 (Fundamental Geometry)
16/15/24 6/19/24Chapter 1 What's in a Name?
Chapter 2 Angles
26/22/24 6/26/24Chapter 3 Congruent Triangles
Chapter 4 Perimeter and Area
36/29/24 7/3/24Chapter 5 Similar Triangles
Chapter 6 Right Triangles
47/6/24 7/10/24Chapter 7 Special Parts of a Triangle
Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals
57/13/24  Chapter 9 Polygons
Part 2 (Advanced Geometry)
6  7/17/24Chapter 10 Geometric Inequalities
77/20/24 7/24/24Chapter 11 Circles
Chapter 12 Circles and Angles
87/27/24 7/31/24Chapter 13 Power of a Point
Chapter 14 Three-Dimensional Geometry
98/3/24 8/7/24Chapter 15 Curved Surfaces
Chapter 16 The More Things Change …
108/10/24 8/14/24Chapter 17 Analytic Geometry
Chapter 18 Introduction to Trigonometry

English Writing 4th-6th Grade - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Zoom (online) 

Class Time:  3pm - 4 pm

Instructor:  Lily Gu


Pre-requirements: n/a

Textbook: n/a

Course Description:  The basics of English writing 

Course Goals: For students to understand the basics of elementary essay writing, and the different types of essays.  By the end of the course, students should know the components that make up an essay and how to use them in their own writing.  

Schedule of Teaching Topics

Class 1:  The Whole Composition

Class 2:  Openings

Class 3:  Writing About Yourself

Class 4:  Details

Class 5:  Informative Writing

Class 6:  Conclusions

Class 7:  Editing

Class 8:  Review

Zoom invitation:

Meeting ID: 536 956 0569

Passcode: N/A 


English Writing 7th-8th Grade - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Zoom online

Class Time:  4:30pm - 5:30 pm

Pre-requirements:  n/a

Textbook:  n/a

Course Description:  General English writing skills

Course Goals: By the end of this course, students should be able to write, organize, and revise different kinds of essays.  This course aims to provide students with learning at an advanced level, though the goal is for students to be able to take those skills and apply them at a middle school level.  Content may come from high school curricula.  


  •  Class 01:  Essays - the entire composition.  
    •  In this class, students learn the most fundamental building blocks of essays in American public schools and write a sample essay for review. 
  •  Class 02:  Openings, leads, hooks 
  •  Class 03:  Including sensory and factual detail
  •  Class 04:  Organizing an essay - structure by context
  •  Class 05:  Informative essays - process, how-to, and categorization
  •  Class 06:  Conclusions, endings, wrap-up
  •   Class 07:   Persuasive essays - requirements, organization, and examples
  •   Class 08:   Editing and revision/Students' Choice 

Zoom invitation:

Meeting ID: 536 956 0569

Passcode: N/A 

Advanced Violin Group Lessons - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Every Saturday 5:00pm - 5:50pm 

Pre-requirements: Have completed any hope chinese beginning violin class or comparable introduction via public or private school.

Textbook: Solos for Young Violinists Volume 1, Barbara Barber

Essential Elements Book 2 for Strings (Violin), Michael Allen

Course Description: HCCS Violin Classes serve students with a variety of ability levels. Instruction is focused on refining the fundamentals of sound production, vibrato, finger shape/position, and technique. Students are also provided with basic diagnostics pertaining to proper shoulder-rest/chin-rest selection, in addition to basic Violin maintenance procedures.

Course Goals: Completion of Volume 1: "Solos for the Young Violinist," Completion of "Essential Elements Book 2." Students will be equipped with a foundation of vibrato and Advanced Franco-Belgian Bow grip.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Week 1 - Review of Fundamentals and Simple Key Signature Changes, Begin Barber Textbook
Week 2 and on: 1-page assignments in the Barber will be given as deemed appropriate per ability level. Remediation via Essential Elements Book 2 will be provided in small doses as needed. 

The Barbara Barbers "Solos for Young Violinists" covers similar material to The Suzuki Violin Method. 

Python with AI III    -  时间序列AI

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Sunday 6pm

Class TimeData Science with Python Course 1

Pre-requirements: > 5 years old

Textbook: Learning Python

Course Description 


Lesson / Topic

Optional Info: e.g.

Assignment, Objective/Focus Points, Supplemental Material

First Day of School

Introduction to Time Series Analysis 时间序列、推荐系统 idea和baselinecodes.

Understanding the Essence of Time Series Data

Visualizing Temporal Patterns with Matplotlib (Python Library)

Getting Familiar with Trends, Seasonality, and Noise

Preparing Time Series Data with Python Unleashing Predictive Power

Handling Missing Data Using Pandas (Python Library)

Crafting Insightful Plots with Seaborn (Python Library)

Adjusting Time Granularity: Resampling Techniques

Unleashing AI Predictive Power

Basic Time Series Prediction with NumPy (Python Library

Starting with Linear Regression using scikit-learn (Python Library)

Gauging Predictive Performance: Mean Squared Error

Mastering Machine Learning for Time Patterns (Using scikit-learn)

Introduction to Machine Learning with scikit-learn

Time-Aware Feature Engineering

Harnessing Linear Regression for Time Series Forecasting

Delving into Deep Learning (Using TensorFlow and Keras)

Embarking on the Deep Learning Journey with TensorFlow and Keras

Constructing and Training Neural Networks

Projecting the Future: Time Series Forecasting using Neural Nets

 Validating and Enhancing Predictions with Python

Cross-Validation Strategies in Time Series Context

Optimal Model Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning with scikit-learn

Beyond Basic Metrics: Embracing MAE, RMSE, and MAPE

 Unearthing Anomalies and Oddities with Python

Navigating Anomaly Detection Fundamentals

Applying Z-Score and IQR Methods for Outlier Detection with scikit-learn

Relying on scikit-learn for Outlier Identification

Embracing Complexity with Multivariate Time Series Pioneering Anomaly Detection with Python

Flourishing with Multivariate Time Series Data using Pandas

Scaling and Normalization Techniques for Multivariate Contex

Crafting Multivariate Forecasts via Regression and Neural Networks

Pioneering Anomaly Detection with Python

Leveraging the Power of Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection with scikit-learn

Local Outlier Factor (LOF) for Unconventional Pattern Recognitio

Unleashing Autoencoders for Intricate Anomaly Detection

Crafting Interactive Projects with Python

Dynamic Time Series Dashboards using Plotly

Time-Infused Games and Interactives with Pygame (Python Library

Storytelling through Interactive Time Jupyter Notebooks

Ethical Considerations in Time Series Analysis (Python)

Ethical Exploration: Fairness, Bias, and Time Series

Safeguarding Temporal Privacy with Python Techniques

Guiding AI Ethics: A Compassionate Approach with Python

Reflecting and Charting the Path Forward with Python

Reflecting on the Learning Journey and Project Showcase

Diving into Advanced Topics like State Space Models, GANs for Time Series

Pioneering Lifelong Learning: Forging Ahead in Time Series Analysis and A

Python with AI II - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Sunday 7pm

Class TimeData Science with Python Course 1

Pre-requirements: python with AI I

Textbook: Learning Python

Course DescriptionData Science with Python Course 2,  learn coding from AI advanced projects, prepare usaco. ACSL,  certifications, join contests

Course Goals:  learn coding from AI projects, prepare certifications, join contests

Schedules of Teaching Topics 


Lesson / Topic

Optional Info: e.g.

Assignment, Objective/Focus Points, Supplemental Material



First Day of School

Introduction of AI, ML , pdf materials

Project with ideas to use AI, ML


Introduction of Python and ML with sample coding

project with Python and ML


ML 4 types with sample coding and use cases

Projects with ML 4 types with sample coding and use cases


Supervised ML with sample coding 1

Projects with Supervised ML with sample coding 1


Supervised ML with sample coding 2

Projects with Supervised ML with sample coding 2


Unsupervised ML with sample coding

Projects with Unsupervised ML with sample coding


Enforcement ML with sample coding

Projects with Enforcement ML with sample coding


Deep ML with sample coding

Projects with Deep ML


Deep ML with sample coding

Projects with Deep ML2


Projects with Coding boardcast


ML use cases analysis and data cleaning

Projects with ML use cases analysis and data cleaning



ML result visualizations

Projects with ML result visualizations


review and remember

Final tests with own project


Scratch 3D game - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time: Sunday 5pm

Pre-requirements:  >5 years old


Course Description: learning coding by 3D scratch

Course Goals: 3D gaming coding, join contests

Schedules of Teaching Topics 


Lesson / Topic

Optional Info: e.g.

Assignment, Objective/Focus Points, Supplemental Material


First Day of School

Introduction of scratch of MIT: GAMES (Game, Animation, Music/Move, Event, Story)

Project animations 1


3D gaming design and 5 coding steps, AI introduction with samples

Design a covid-19 project with story


Music with sound, recording, events A AI introduction with samples

Projects with Music with sound, recording


Movie and Animation , dialog, clone AI introduction with samples

Projects with Movie and Animation , dialog, clone


Pan, Pen , Pen shades, clone, flying, AI design

Projects with Pan, Pen , Pen shades, clone, flying


Coding Loop, translator, sensor of sounds, video, AI design

Projects with Coding Loop, translator, sensor of sounds, video


Coding variable, side bar control, range,AI coding

Coding variable, side bar control, range


Coding IF -THEN, AI coding

Projects with Coding IF -THEN


Gaming, clicks and events,AI coding

Projects with Gaming, clicks and events


Coding boardcast, AI coding

Projects with Coding boardcast


Coding 3D 1, AI coding

Projects with Coding 3D 1



Coding 3D 2 AI coding

Projects with Coding 3D 2


AI coding review and remember

Final tests with own project


Introduction of Python and ML with sample coding

project with Python and ML


ML 4 types with sample coding and use cases

Projects with ML 4 types with sample coding and use cases


Supervised ML with sample coding 1

Projects with Supervised ML with sample coding 1


Supervised ML with sample coding 2

Projects with Supervised ML with sample coding 2


Unsupervised ML with sample coding

Projects with Unsupervised ML with sample coding


Summary ans test

Tennis Advanced Beginner I - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Onsite ( Woodson High School)

Class Time: Every Monday 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Tennis Advanced Beginner II - Summer 2023

Classroom:  Onsite ( Woodson High School)

Class Time: Every Monday 7:00PM - 8:00PM


Creative Drawing - Summer 2023

(6 years old - 8 years old)

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time:Every Monday 7:30pm-8:20pm(June 24、31;July 7、14、21、28;Aug 4、11)

Pre-requirements:Students need to have pencils, erasers, sketchbooks, use colored pencils, colored markers, crayons to complete class exercises。

Textbook: NO

Course Description: The teacher will use simple mathematics, logic, geometric figures, etc. to teach children to draw pictures and exercise children's color expression.

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

Week 1 :creative geometric figures
Week 2 :digital creative painting
Week 3 :Understanding Light and Shadow
Week 4 :line practice lesson
Week 5 :curve practice lesson
Week 6 :Summer themed drawing class
Week 7:Creative Art Class
Week 8:theme creation class

Teacher:Poki Yang
The teacher teaches in Chinese

Drawing - Summer 2023

Classroom:  zoom online

Class Time:周一至周五:3:00pm-4:30pm 周六:3:00pm-5:00pm

Pre-requirements:学生年龄:K-12Grade ; 绘画材料:素描纸,马克笔,油画棒,手工纸,水彩等


Course Description: 绘画初级教学内容:绘画入门基础知识,线条,儿童画,手工拼贴画,色彩渐变应用等;绘画中级教学内容:线描画,油画棒静物,儿童创意画,水彩等;绘画高级教学:素描(几何形体、静物造型,结构),色彩(彩铅画,水彩等)

Schedules of Teaching Topics 

This course is to track Fall 2023 management work of eHope